Кардиологическое отделение
Cardiology Department


The Cardiology Department of SI RCHCC has the capacity for 20 inpatients.

The Department provides examination, treatment and rehabilitation services to patients affected by cardiovascular system disorders:

  • coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and cardiac angina -- we are capable to perform the complete range of endovascular care (angioplasty, stenting etc.);
  • arterial hypertension including those resistant to drug treatment;
  • complex disturbances of conduction -- we are able to implant electric cardiac pacemakers and perform radio frequency ablation of the arrhythmia substrate;
  • high-grade cardiac insufficiency;
  • inflammatory heart disorders;
  • screening, observation and treatment of patients inbound for cardiovascular surgery including heart valve repair.

You are welcome to undergo a comprehensive examination and enjoy the skilled cardiology care at our Department on a fee basis.

Specialists of our Department will assist you in selecting an optimal pharmacological therapy to treat diseases of the cardiological profile, and will carefully prepare you for the coronary artery bypass graft surgery procedure. If it would be necessary, you may also stay for medical rehabilitation in our Office following the CABG procedure.

Remedial treatment and rehabilitation in the comfort of our Department will facilitate a quicker return to an active lifestyle.


Among our consultants are:

  • Natalia Pavlovna Mitkovskaya Dr. habil. med., Professor, Director of Republican Scientific and Practical Cardiology Center, Head of Internal Diseases Department 3 of Belarusian State Medical University;
  • Tamara Drmitrievna Tyabut Dr. habil. med., Professor at the Cardiology and Rheumatology Department of Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education


Examination and surgical treatment of patients is provided on a fee basis (to assigned patients), as well as under health care service and insurance contracts. Indications for hospitalization, necessary examinations and the duration of hospitalization are determined during an advisory reception.

Cardiologist's consultation

Consultations are provided to all patients of any inpatient and outpatient medical facilities of the Republic of Belarus and other countries referred for hospitalization for examination and treatment of cardiological disorders.

Pre-admission consultations are held by previous appointment, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00 till 13:00, at office Г 114.

To make an appointment for a consultation and get background information, you can use the services of the Contact Center: 8 (017) 543-44-44 and 8 (029) 543-44-45.

Contact information of the Cardiology Department

8 (017) 543-43-05 – Head of the Department Natalia Alexandrovna Dobrosoltseva

8 (017) 543-43-06 – Staff Room

В отделении работают
Dobrosoltseva Natalia Alexandrovna
Head of the Cardiology Department
Kazakova Maria Igorevna
Gumenyuk Anna Grigorievna
Kovaleva Elena Evgenievna
Dobrosoltseva Natalia Alexandrovna
Head of the Cardiology Department
  • Specialization: Cardiologist
  • Work experience: 26 years
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Kazakova Maria Igorevna
  • Specialization: Cardiologist
  • Work experience: 15 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Gumenyuk Anna Grigorievna
  • Specialization: Cardiology
  • Work experience: 18 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Kovaleva Elena Evgenievna
  • Specialization: Cardiologist
  • Work experience: 22 of the year
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