Отделение анестезиологии и реанимации
Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Department

The Department is a structural unit of SI “Republican Clinical Medical Center” of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus. It provides top-level specialized technology-driven assistance to patients in restoration and support of vital body organ and system functions impaired due to a disorder, injury, surgical intervention or other reasons. Apart from the above, the Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Department also ensures pain control support for all the surgical divisions during surgical procedures, and provides patient care during complex diagnostic and therapeutic studies (MRT, X-ray computer tomography, endoscopic interventions, etc.).


  • performance of a range of resuscitation and antishock procedures;
  • support and artificial restoration of impaired functions of vital organs and systems;
  • patient pain management during operations and complex diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations;
  • organization of patient safety throughout the surgical treatment stages by alleviating or modeling bodily reactions to the procedure;
  • performance of diagnostic and treatment procedures aimed at restoration and support of bodily functions impaired due to anesthesia or surgical treatment, during resuscitation and intensive therapy procedures;
  • laboratory and functional monitoring of the efficacy of intensive therapy;
  • observation of patient's condition after the completion of anesthetic procedures to ensure stabilization of vital systems of the body;
  • prophylaxis and management of patient’s pain and painful feelings in accordance with their physical status and the nature and scope of intervention;
  • providing advice to medical officers of other divisions of the Center on issues related to resuscitation, intensive therapy and pain management.


The Unit has six beds. The multi-function beds are intended for postoperative patients of the surgical (thoracic, abdominal, gynecological, urological, traumatological and orthopedical) profile, as well as for patients of the general performance (neurological, cardiological, and therapeutical) profile. Each resuscitation room is designed for comfortable stay of one to two patients. This makes it possible to separate patient flows and prevents any spread of infections. The rooms have input-exhaust ventilation providing laminar air flow and ceiling-mounted consoles for centrally managed supply and removal of medicinal gases. All the beds are fitted out with necessary medical equipment and expert-class specialized apparatuses (artificial respirating units, applied potential tomography units, defibrillators, dose delivery and enteral feeding systems, hemodynamic monitoring systems (both non-invasive and invasive), as well as all the ancillary tools and medicinal preparations. The patients stay under under close observation of the Department’s medical staff day and night.


High professional skills of the Anesthesiology Unit’s employees enables them to ensure pain management of all types of surgical treatment. Our specialists mastered various advanced pain management procedures and methods:

  • total intravenous anesthesia with maintained spontaneous breathing;
  • total intravenous anesthesia with artificial lung ventilation;
  • epidural anesthesia, extended epidural anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, combined spinal and epidural anesthesia, paravertebral block, TAP block (with the use of ultrasonic navigation);
  • nerve block anesthesia (with the use of neurostimulation and ultrasonic navigation);
  • balanced (endotracheal and laryngeal mask) anesthesia with artificial lung ventilation using low and very low flows of inhalation anesthetics;
  • balanced laryngeal mask anesthesia with maintained spontaneous breathing;
  • expert performance of complex intubation (video control, use of the Fastrach system and endoscopic procedures).

Head of Department: Sergey Nikolayevich Kononchuk, anesthesiologist/intensive therapy physician
Consulting expert: Georgiy Vladimorovich Ilyukevich, Head of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department, Professor, Dr. habil. med.

Our approach and our capabilities

  • Providing ultrasonic-controlled access to central vessels;
  • Pharmacological and external shock therapy of heart beat arrhythmia;
  • Dilated tracheostomy upon emergency and planned indications;
  • Modern anesthesia and respiratory equipment enables us to apply various regimes of anesthetic support, detect vital organ damage at early stages and provide special anesthetic and resuscitation assistance;
  • Implantation of temporary pacemakers;
  • Implantation of mediports to carry out extended chemotherapy;
  • Emergency extracorporeal detoxication sessions;
  • Simulation-based anesthetic and resuscitation training courses

Contact information of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Department

8 (017) 543-43-93 – Head of the Department, Sergey Nikolayevich Kononchukm, Ph.D. (Medicine)

8 (017) 543-43-84 – Staff Room

В отделении работают
Kononchuk Sergey Nikolaevich
Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department
Sytnik Vladislav Ivanovich
Yanukovich Dmitrij Pavlovich
Soldatenko Valentin Pavlovich
Ban'kovskij Aleksej Aleksandrovich
Martyncov Aleksandr Sergeevich
Bolonkin Leonid Stanislavovich
Zubovich Ekaterina Anatol'evna
Zhudro Anatoly Anatolyevich
Kikichev Artur Vladimirovich
Kuritskaya Alla Vitalievna
Rakovich Pavel Aleksandrovich
Shekhurdin Valery Alexandrovich
Kononchuk Sergey Nikolaevich
Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 23 of the year
  • Academic degree: Candidate of medical sciences
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Sytnik Vladislav Ivanovich
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 36 years
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Yanukovich Dmitrij Pavlovich
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 14 years
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Soldatenko Valentin Pavlovich
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 18 years
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Ban'kovskij Aleksej Aleksandrovich
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 25 years
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Martyncov Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 21 year
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Bolonkin Leonid Stanislavovich
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 48 years
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Zubovich Ekaterina Anatol'evna
  • Work experience: 15 years
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Zhudro Anatoly Anatolyevich
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 29 years
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Kikichev Artur Vladimirovich
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 17 years
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Kuritskaya Alla Vitalievna
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 30 years
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Rakovich Pavel Aleksandrovich
  • Specialization: Врач-анестезиолог-реаниматолог
  • Work experience: 14 years
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Shekhurdin Valery Alexandrovich
  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist-resuscitator
  • Work experience: 31 year
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