First Aid

First Aid

During the training course, we will teach you what to do to cope with an emergency, how to keep the affected person from harm, and how to support them until an ambulance arrives. We train skills that every person needs!

Equipment used: injury and trauma simulators, trainers, mannequins of adults and children, and the robotic patient simulator (made in USA and Norway).

Cost in Belarusian rubles per participant: for Belarus citizens — 148.84 BYN, for foreign citizens — 225.79 BYN

training duration - 16 hours (two days)
number of listeners – 6 to 8 students

The training course is intended for a broad audience of persons with no medical training. The training program is modular. A training module is an individual course within the program. We offer two modules -- the theory module and the practice module. The theory training module deals with approaches to providing first aid based on recommendations of International First Aid and Resuscitation Guidelines 2016 IFRC; the most actual topics of Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in accordance with modern cardiopulmonary resuscitation protocols adopted by European Resuscitation Council in 2015; the particularities of first aid provision in medical emergencies (airway obstruction, locomotor apparatus trauma, certain types of injuries, bleedings, burns and acute states), types of bandages and splints; specific requirements to transportation of persons affected by various injuries.

The practical module is dedicated to training practical skills using modern trainers, the multi-functional robotic patient simulator and simulators of the Simulation Center.

The aim: to familiarize with the modern science-based system of activities that may save a human life; train basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills as part of first aid; understand the sequence of actions in medical emergencies, in cases of certain types of injuries, traumas, bleeding, burns and cold injuries.

During the training course, trainees will carry out practical training tasks as part of a simulation scenario (solving a specific case problem using manual skills).

Trainees succeeding in the practical test will be issued completion certificates.

Registration form for training online
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