
This is a non-invasive ultrasonic diagnostic examination of the heart which makes it possible to reveal changes in the heart that do not manifest themselves through any painful sensations and could not be revealed during an ECG. The RCMC offers the possibility to perform this examination in the 4-D mode

The examination may be performed either non-invasively or through the esophagus.




  • Acute pains in the region of the heart;
  • Sudden respiratory distress;
  • Regular examinations in cases of a cardiovascular system disorder.

Standard indications to transesophageal echocardiography are:

  • diagnosis of endocardial thromboses (they cause embolism);
  • infective endocarditis;
  • aortic dissection, aortic aneurism;
  • diagnosis of mitral regurgitation and evaluation of prosthetic cardiac valves.




The non-invasive procedure

This examination enables physicians to reveal changes in the heart that are not manifested as some painful sensation and could not be revealed during an ECG.

The examination is performed using a conventional ultrasonic probe, at the chest.

With echocardiography, we can accurately detect the ischemic area, pericardium, aneurysms, cardiac chamber hypertrophy, disorders of the vessels and the valvular apparatus of the heart, evaluate the level of pressure within the pulmonary artery, and reveal endocardial thromboses and heart tumors.

Echocardiography with cardiac strain evaluation

Evaluation of strain of myocardium using the Speckle-tracking technique is a recent quantitative technique of accurate evaluation of function of the myocardium, and systolic and diastolic dynamics of the left ventricular. The method makes it possible to assess both global and regional function of myocardium regardless of the angle and translatory motions of the heart.

Transesophageal echocardiography

Transesophageal echocardiography is a ultrasonic heart diagnosis technique which uses a special probe introduced through the esophagus. This improves the ultrasound window and significantly enhances visualization of small-scale cardiac structures.

Transesophageal echocardiography is used in cases when the resolution ability of transthoracic echocardiography does not allow to establish an accurate diagnosis, study the anatomical structure of various endocardial structures in detail or to evaluate endocardial hemodynamics.




The non-invasive procedure: Application of the technique is limited in patients affected by tachycardia, ciliary arrhythmia, premature ventricular contraction, ventricular or auricular fibrillation.

Transesophageal echocardiography: Disorders of the esophagus: malignant neoplasms, esophagus diverticulum, fistulas, strictures, varicose esophagus vein dilation, inflammatory diseases of esophagus, bleeding in the upper part of the digestive tract.

Transesophageal echocardiography is acknowledged as a safe diagnosis technique, however, in less than 1% of cases it may cause severe complications. Special literature lists isolated incidents of harynx and trachea, esophagus vein bleeding, esophagus perforation, transient bacteremia, unstable hemodynamics and rhythm disturbances among the possible complications.




The non-invasive procedure: No special preparation of the patient is required.

Preparing for transesophageal echocardiography:

A mandatory requirement is fasting for six hours before the transesophageal echocardiography procedure. Removable dentures (if any) shall be removed. Please bring along ECG, gastrofibroscopy (performed no later than one year ago) and heart ultrasonography results.


To be eligible for the examination, the patient must have a physician’s referral

  1. Please call the Contact Center and book an appointment for the examination
  2. You need to complete and sign a paid service contract at the Reception (present a physician's referral to the receptionist)
  3. Pay the bill at the RCMC pay office, or through the ERIP electronic system
  4. Get the examination at the appointed time.
Branch services
The information presented in this Price List is for guidance only. Some services are provided only in conjunction with other services. Therefore, the final price may differ from those presented on this site when contacting a medical center to conclude a contract for the provision of medical services.

цена для граждан:
остальных стран
УЗИ перикарда (М+В режим + допплер + цв.картирование)
28 р. 18 к.
43 р. 83 к.
43 р. 83 к.
УЗИ перикарда и плевральных полостей (М+В режим + допплер + цв.картирование)
43 р. 60 к.
84 р. 67 к.
84 р. 67 к.
УЗИ плевральных полостей с окружающими мягкими тканями
11 р. 26 к.
32 р. 71 к.
32 р. 71 к.
Эхокардиография (М + В режим + допплер + цветное картирование + тканевая допплерография) с ультразвуковым исследованием плевральных полостей
62 р. 54 к.
64 р. 36 к.
64 р. 36 к.
ЭХО-КГ с исследованием деформации миокарда
109 р. 95 к.
162 р. 23 к.
162 р. 23 к.