SI “Republican Clinical Medical Center” of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus continues the provision of services under direct contracts for fee-based provision of health care services as part of the “Comprehensive Health Care” Program.
The “Comprehensive Health Care” Program is a program which covers provision of services at the inpatient facilities and provision of outpatient and diagnostic services during a twelve-month period.
In accordance with the approved Program, health care services that are provided based on the patient’s health status include consultation of various medical specialists of the Center's Outpatient Clinic, diagnostic analyses, treatment at the Daycare Department, physiotherapy treatment, treatment at the Medical Rehabilitation Department, hospitalization at the Inpatient Facilities, and provision of emergency medical care.
Inquiries for long-term health care services may be submitted during the November and December of the year preceding the planned service provision period.
Price 2024
№ п/п | Name of service | Unit change | Quantity | Price |
1. |
Attachment under contracts for medical care for citizens of the Republic of Belarus and employees of Belarusian enterprises | pers | 1 |
9 018 BYN |
1.1 |
for employees of representative offices of organizations (citizens of the Republic of Belarus) subject to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Union State dated July 24, 2015 No. 5 | pers | 1 |
249 523 RUB |
2. |
The same for employees of embassies, representative offices, etc. near abroad countries (CIS) and far abroad countries (foreign citizens) | pers | 1 |
13 893 BYN |
2.1 | for employees of representative offices of organizations (foreign citizens) subject to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Union State dated July 24, 2015 No. 5 | pers | 1 |
384 411 RUB |
Patients intending to conclude a comprehensive health care contract or an outpatient-polyclinic health care contract that were not previously serviced by the Center under long-term contracts, as well as those who have not requested medical assistance for over 9 months shall provide the following documents:
List of documents
- An except from the patient’s medical records (Form No.1med/u-10) -- to be obtained at the community hospital near your residence, and shall contain the following information:
- instances of medical help-seeking over the last five years including exact diagnoses and the results of annual health examination for the latest year;
- results of X-ray fluorography of the thoracic cage organs for the latest year;
- gynecologist examination results (for women);
- information on the planned (or urgent, if any) preventive diphteria and tetanus vaccinations;
- a statement of a psychoneurologic clinic (whether or not the person is a registered patient);
- a statement of a narcological clinic (whether or not the person is a registered patient).
Another option of employing health care services provided by RCMC is to conclude a contract with an insurance company. In 2021, SI “Republican Clinical Medical Center” of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus is cooperating with the following insurance companies:
- BRUP of export-import insurance "BELEXIMGARANT",
- ZASO "PromTransInvest",
- CJSC SK Belrosstrakh,
- CJSC Ingosstrakh,
- Belarusian Republican Unitary Insurance Company "BELGOSSTRAKH",
- JLLC "Asoba",
- ZASO "Belneftestrakh",
- USP "BelVEB insurance",
- CJSC "Insurance company" ERGO "(from 19.11.2020 renamed into CJSC" IC "Euroins").