Отделение консультативно-диагностической помощи и лазерной микрохирургии глаза
Consultation and Diagnostics Services Offices and Laser Eye Microsurgery Office


We offer the most advanced examination equipment and procedures.

Routine eyesight test is performed using a comfortable height-adjusted chair. There is no need for the patient to move -- testing devices will place themselves in position all by themselves. The availability of autorefractometers, pneumotonometers, a phoropter and chart panels at each examination room is a mark of high quality and the guarantee of comfort of ophthalmologic services. Forget the usual uncomfortable testing glasses, discolored charts and a nurse with a pointer. The future is now!

We take pride in the diversity of diagnostics equipment at our disposal!

This wealth of available tools means the ability to solve any problem patients may bring to us. If it is necessary, it is always possible to undergo an examination at other Offices of our Center, e.g., take a magnetic resonance scan, have your health status checked, et cetera.

We know no bounds in the search for the cause of your problem!

Computer-aided perimetry, all types of optical scanning tomography, corneal topography, endothelial biomicroscopy, optical biometry, fluorescence angiography, microperimetry, electrophysiological eye studies, as well as all the known ultrasonic methods of visual organ examination are carried out using cutting-edge equipment (in certain cases only available in our Center), and are affordable to every our patient.

We offer to laser eye microsurgery services to patients with glaucoma, myopia-related retina pathologies, pancreatic diabetes complications, dystrophy, retinal tear or detachment, secondary cataract -- if required and with the patient’s consent -- on the same day when they come to us.

Medical officers of our Office will develop an individual conservative treatment program, perform the laser operation or arrange a consultation by a microsurgeon of the Operative Eye Microsurgery Office.



Eye care professional receive patients based on health service contracts.

The Office is open daily from 8:00 till 20:00 during weekdays and from 8:00 till 14:00 on Saturdays.

To make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and for reference information, contact the Contact Center: 8 (017) 543-44-44 and 8 (029) 543-44-45.

Baranovskaya Larisa Ivanovna
Davydova Olga Igorevna
Puchkova Irina Arkad'evna
Suschik Olga Vladimirovna
Mishuta Elena Mihajlovna
Baranovskaya Larisa Ivanovna
  • Specialization: Ophthalmologist
  • Work experience: 37 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Davydova Olga Igorevna
  • Specialization: Ophthalmologist
  • Work experience: 25 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Puchkova Irina Arkad'evna
  • Specialization: Ophthalmologist of the consulting and diagnostic ophthalmological care and laser eye microsurgery office
  • Work experience: 20 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Suschik Olga Vladimirovna
  • Specialization: Ophthalmologist
  • Work experience: 23 of the year
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Mishuta Elena Mihajlovna
  • Specialization: Ophthalmologist
  • Work experience: 19 years
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