Патологоанатомическое отделение
Anatomico-Pathological Department


The Anatomico-Pathological Department performs morphological diagnostics of diseases based on studies of biopsy and surgical specimens of any localization.

One of the main principles of modern medical practice is substantiation, or the availability of scientific evidence. The morphological method, which involves microscopic examination of patient’s cells and tissues, is the most agreeable to this requirement. Histological studies are crucial for the diagnosis of virtually any disorder. It is also one of treatment efficacy assessment methods, as well as the main method of differential diagnosis of benign and malignant tumor diseases. The role played by pathomorphologist in the detection of pre-tumor processes and early stage malignant tumors is invaluable.

Modern health care institutions recognize the increasingly important role of life-time morphological (histological and cytological) diagnostics. A pathomorphologist's (histologist, cytologist) report assists the clinical physician in timely detection of the disorder and thus serves as a guidance for subsequent therapeutic activities, it helps to determine the nature and scope of operation, provides indications on oncological relapse or metastases, on the effectiveness of preceding therapy and the individual properties of the tumor.

Our Department offers the following services:

  • studies of any organ and tissue sampled during operations conducted by any division of the multidisciplinary inpatient and outpatient facilities;
  • needle biopsy of mammal glands, prostate gland, lymph glands, liver, kidneys and other organs;
  • endoscopic biopsy of all major localizations: esophagus, stomach, guts, upper respiratory passages, bronchi and the urinary system;
  • laparoscopical biopsy of abdominal cavity organs;
  • skin and soft tissue biopsy for various pathologies including tumors;
  • biopsy of female genital organs: vagina, neck of womb, endometriosis;
  • collection of cytological materials: punctates, swabs etc.

The Histological Laboratory of the Anatomico-Pathological Department is outfitted with advanced equipment of the top global manufacturers: Leica (Germany), BioGenex (USA), HistoLine (Italy).

Types of morphology studies performed by the Department:

  • Planned histological tissue examination.
  • Emergency histological examination (express biopsy) of tissue during operations.
  • Cytological study techniques including liquid-based cytology.
  • Histochemical methods of tissue studies that use special stains: Van Gieson's stain, PAS reaction, amyloid using Congo Red, etc.
  • Immunohistochemical tissue study techniques using test plates for over 25 monoclonal an polyclonal antibodies manufactured by one of the world’s leading producers, BioGenex (USA).

We are a close-knit team of friendly professionals that leave no stone unturned to establish an objective diagnosis for our patients.



The Anatomico-Pathological Department performs a comprehensive range of morphological examinations of biological materials for assigned patients and for patients serviced under health care contracts.

To consult ready-made histological preparations or to obtain reference information, you can use the services of the Contact Center: 8 (017) 543-44-44 and 8 (029) 543-44-45.

В отделении работают
Motolyanets Pavel Mikhailovich
Head of the Pathology Department
Gerasimovich Alexander Ignatievich
Kuz'menko-Moskvina Yuliya Aleksandrovna
Smolenskij Andrej Zenonovich
Yudina Ol'ga Anatol'evna
Smolyak Alesya Aleksandrovna
Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics
Petrulyova Svetlana Ivanovna
Motolyanets Pavel Mikhailovich
Head of the Pathology Department
  • Specialization: Pathologist
  • Work experience: 16 years
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Gerasimovich Alexander Ignatievich
  • Specialization: Pathologist, Forensic medical expert
  • Work experience: 51 year
  • Academic degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences
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Kuz'menko-Moskvina Yuliya Aleksandrovna
  • Work experience: 14 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Smolenskij Andrej Zenonovich
  • Specialization: Pathologist
  • Work experience: 16 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Yudina Ol'ga Anatol'evna
  • Specialization: Pathologist
  • Work experience: 33 of the year
  • Academic degree: Ph.D. (Medicine)
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Smolyak Alesya Aleksandrovna
Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics
  • Specialization: Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics
  • Work experience: 13 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Petrulyova Svetlana Ivanovna
  • Specialization: Pathologist
  • Work experience: 20 years
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