Scientific papers
The section contains scientific papers and publications of employees of the State Institution "RCMC" for the period from 2018.
Somnology: theory and practice
[I.S. Abelskaya, S.A. Likhachev, N.M. Chechik, T.V. Mokhort, Yu.N. Rushkevich, I.P. Doroshkevich]
Odontogenous chronic siagonantritis
I. O. Pokhoden’ko-Chudakova, Dr. habil. med., Professor; A. V. Surin, Ph.D. (Medicine); A. I. Gerasomovich, Ph.D. (Medicine), adjunct lecturer
Anesthetic support of open radical cystectomy in the presence of urinary bladder cancer
Anestesiologist-Intensive Therapy Specialist, Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Department Sergey Nikolayevich Kononchuk
Thesis work "Modern approaches to to causal treatment of community acquired respiratory tract infections caused by S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae”
Врач-инфекционист Качанко Елена Федоровна