Онкологическая служба Центра
Oncology Service

The Clinic offers the complete cycle (from diagnostics to treatment to postoperative observation) of a wide range of cancer care. We use precise high-tech equipment and apply advanced international technologies, surgery techniques and treatment and care regimens. 


Cancer treatment care provided by the Center is organized in specific successive and interrelated stages. This enables us to develop a complete cycle of treatment of oncopathology patients. These stages are:

Outpatient activities

It takes place on the basis of an oncological office and an outpatient chemotherapy office

  • the consultations are conducted by 2 oncologists, 2 mamologists and a chemotherapist
  • the initial reception is performed with the necessary volume of examinations which determined together with the doctors of the specialized departments; the tactics of patient treatment is determined
  • determination of the need for chemotherapy and appointment of a chemotherapy regimen
  • performing dynamic monitoring of patients after complex treatment (surgical and chemotherapeutic)

Diagnostic activities
  • clinical and laboratory studies, including the entire spectrum of cancer markers
  • instrumental research methods on high-precision modern equipment from world manufacturers:
  • ultrasound examination of abdominal organs
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs
  • endoscopic examination of the bronchial tree, esophagus, stomach, 12 duodenum, small and large intestine, rectum with taking, if necessary, a biopsy. At the request of patients, studies are carried out under anesthesia
  • endosnographic examination of the bronchial tree, esophagus, stomach, 12 duodenum, colon, rectum. Studies are conducted under anesthesia.
  • endosnographic examination of the bile ducts, pancreas. Studies are conducted under anesthesia
  • computed tomography of chest organs, abdominal organs, pelvic organs with intravenous contrast
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs (with contrast if necessary)
  • mammography, MRI mammography, puncture biopsy of breast formations under ultrasound control
  • radionuclide diagnostics: skeletal bone scintigraphy, liver isotope examination, dynamic kidney scintigraphy, lung scintigraphy, thyroid scintigraphy, brain
  • in order to determine the exact histomorphology of the tumor and determine the correct treatment tactics of the patient, a puncture biopsy of tumor formations is performed under ultrasound control
  • pathomorphological studies of biopsy and surgical material using modern methods of fixation, staining and research, allowing for a qualitative determination of the histological picture of the material under study, the degree of penetration of the tumor into the affected organ and its spread, to determine the number of lymph nodes affected by the tumor process, to perform an immunohistochemical analysis of the tumor under study. This allows you to determine the exact stage of the tumor process and assign the correct patient management scheme in the postoperative period.

Treatment activities

It includes specialized surgical treatment and chemotherapy.

  • Surgical treatment:
    Surgical treatment of malignant pathology of the following localization is carried out in the clinic:
    А. Oncological pathology of abdominal organs (the whole range and scope of surgical interventions are performed):
    - with malignant pathology of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts

- with malignant pathology of the stomach

- with malignant pathology of the colon and rectum

Б. Tumor formations of the retroperitoneal space
В. Oncourological pathology (the entire spectrum and scope of surgical interventions are performed): tumor formations of the kidneys, bladder, prostate
Г. Oncogynecological pathology (the entire spectrum and scope of surgical interventions are performed): with malignant pathology of the uterus and its appendages
Д. Oncomammology (the full range and scope of surgical interventions, including oncoplastic ones, are performed)

To date, about 60% of cases in the clinic use minimally invasive surgical methods in the treatment of malignant pathology:

- the removal of formations is performed using flexible endoscopy (intraluminal, without dissection of the anterior abdominal wall) when malignant pathology of the stomach, colon and rectum is detected in the early stages, without deep invasion into the wall of the organ, without metastases

- in case of malignant pathology of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space, oncourology, oncogynecology, surgical treatment is performed by laparoscopic method - access to the affected organ is carried out through several small (1-1.5cm) incisions.

This allows patients to start walking the very next day after surgery. The intensity of pain after surgery is significantly reduced, there is a significant reduction in postoperative complications, and the rehabilitation time of patients after surgery is reduced. Despite the fact that access to the organ affected by the tumor is carried out through small incisions, the visibility of the operation area, thanks to the video camera, increases significantly, which makes it possible to perform surgery very accurately and precisely and at the same time fully comply with the oncologically necessary volume of the organ being removed. Laparoscopic surgery improves the quality of the operation performed, the quality of lymph dissection.

For the first time in the Republic of Belarus in the clinic, surgical interventions, including those with malignant pathology, are performed using a new modern robot, which to an even greater extent allows to improve the quality of operations performed and reduce the number of postoperative complications..

In case of malignant pathology of the bladder, the cup-pelvic system of the kidneys, in some cases, surgical interventions are performed intraluminally using a laser. 

Postoperative observation activities



The carcinology specialists receive patients under health care service contracts and screening programs.

The Office is open daily from 8:00 till 20:00.

To make an appointment with an oncologist and for reference information, please contact the Contact Center 8 (017) 543-44-44 and 8 (029) 543-44-45.

Adutskevich Ekaterina Alexandrovna
Kirikovich Kseniya Aleksandrovna
Adutskevich Ekaterina Alexandrovna
  • Specialization: Oncologist
  • Work experience: 31 year
  • Academic degree: Candidate of medical sciences
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Kirikovich Kseniya Aleksandrovna
  • Specialization: Oncologist
  • Work experience: 9 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors