Урологический кабинет
Urinology Office

Urinologist is a medical professional specializing on diagnosis and treatment of various disorders of male and female genito-urinary system. High skill level of our staff and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment enable us to determine the cause of the problem accurately and treat it efficiently.

Patients enjoy complete confidentiality during both examination and therapy procedures.

Problems associated with the genito-urinary system may include:

- urinary tract and urinary bladder disorders: cystitis, urethritis, urinary stone disease, various urination problems (urinary retention or incontinence of urine, frequent visits to the toilet, etc.), prostatitis, leukoplakia, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, nephroptosis and many others;

- masculine reproductive system disorders: prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, balanoposthitis, sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia infection, papillomavirus infection, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, herpes and others diseases).


The Outpatients Unit of the Urinology Department provides the following services:

Urinologist’s consultation.

A trusting and pleasant atmosphere, which is characteristic of our clinic, is a guarantee of comfortable treatment. Depending on your complaints, as well as on the results of the examination, the doctor will determine which tests and studies should be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment regimen.

Urinology diagnosis in Minsk.

Urethroscopy and cystoscopy are highly effective visual diagnostic methods that are used to assess the condition of the urethra and bladder.

In addition to endoscopic examinations, ultrasound diagnostics is also actively used in urology. With the help of ultrasound, the condition of the prostate, bladder, kidneys and other organs is examined.

The most used diagnostic methods include laboratory tests, such as a general blood test, a blood test for the presence of sexually transmitted infections, seminal fluid analysis, back-sowing, analysis of prostate secretions, and so on.

Our clinic provides the most convenient service for its visitors: a complete examination of the genitourinary system on the day of the visit. The service is relevant both for residents of Minsk and the whole Republic of Belarus, as it significantly saves customers' time and allows them to make an accurate diagnosis in the shortest possible time.

Treatment of urological diseases.

The optimal method of treating a number of urological diseases is surgery. Surgical treatment of diseases, depending on the complexity and scale of the intervention, can be carried out both in a hospital and outpatient.

Urodynamic examination

Comprehensive urodynamic examination (CUE) is one of the most effective examinations in urology. Its purpose is to determine the functional state of the bladder and urethra in the phase of accumulation of urine, its preservation and emptying. During the examination, the process of accumulation and excretion of urine is modeled and reproduced, which makes it possible to evaluate the function of urination.

In modern urology, there is no more accurate diagnostic method that would allow to establish the causes of urination disorders with high reliability. Already during the diagnosis, it is possible to form the patient's expectations by demonstrating how the process of urination will be carried out after surgical treatment: restoration of anatomical structures. For patients with genital prolapse, this technique makes it possible to detect latent urinary incontinence, determine the hyperactivity of the bladder, the degree of obstruction of the urethra, which is necessary to predict the outcome of surgical treatment. With the help of urodynamic examination, it is possible to determine the possibility of prescribing medications or the expediency of surgical correction of stress urinary incontinence.

Urotstim and Neotonus physiotherapeutic procedures

The hardware and software complex "Urostim" is designed for the treatment of a wide range of gynecological, proctological, pediatric and urological pathologies. With the help of the device "Urostim", a number of sexual disorders in men and women, fecal incontinence can be corrected.

The main application is the therapy of urinary disorders in adults and children. The main principles of exposure are electromyostimulation (strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles) through biofeedback technology.

The system is easy to use and has no analogues. Extensive opportunities in pediatric urology.

The Urology Unit of the Urinology Department offers a comprehensive range of treatment and diagnostic procedures of male urinology pathologies. We offer a range of diagnostic studies, diagnostic and treatment services to treat severe forms of neuro-urological disorders. Physical therapy of urination disorders and the chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

Advice services are provided by first Qualification Grade medical specialist, neuro-urinologist Ivan Invanovich Probushenia



The urinology specialist receives patients under health care service contracts and private health insurance programs.

The Office is open daily, from 8:00 till 20:00, and operates in two shifts.

To make an appointment with a urologist and for reference information, please contact the Contact Center: 8 (017) 543-44-44 and 8 (029) 543-44-45.

Pribushenya Ivan Ivanovich (senior)
Surgeon, urologist
Petrov Aleksej Igorevich
Pribushenya Ivan Ivanovich (senior)
Surgeon, urologist
  • Specialization: Urologist, Surgeon
  • Work experience: 35 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors
Petrov Aleksej Igorevich
  • Specialization: Urologist
  • Work experience: 16 years
To the doctor’s cardSee all doctors