Кабинет ревматолога
Rheumatologist's Office

Rheumatology is the area of internal diseases medicine which deals with diagnostics and treatment of rheumatic disorders. The subject matter of rheumatology includes inflammatory and degenerative/dystrophic conditions of joints, as well as systemic diseases of connective tissues.

A rheumatologist is a medical professional who studies the etiology and pathogenesis of connective tissue and joint disorders, performs diagnostics and treatment, and ensures ongoing monitoring and prophylaxis of aggravations of such disorders.


What disorders does a rheumatology specialist cure?

  • Osteoarthrosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Gout
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Systemic lupus erythematosis
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome
  • Systemic scleroderma
  • Autopathic inflammatory myopathies
  • Systemic vasculitis
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica
  • Behcet's disease
  • Sjogren’s disease (syndrome)
  • Сalcium pyrophosphate deposition disease
  • Adult Still disease

When should I seek a rheumatologist’s assistance?
- If you are troubled by pains in muscles and joints
- If there is an edema or a reddening (synovitis or bursitis) around joints
- If you notice that your height has decreased by more than 2 cm per year
- If you have had a low-energy fracture/s (a fracture resulting from a minor injury)
- If joint movement is reduced and is accompanied by a painful sensation or discomfort
- If your muscles and joints are stiff after a night’s sleep
- If you often have a sore throat or other infectious diseases
- If any of your relatives suffer/ed a systemic connective tissue disease (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic vasculitis, systemic scleroderma, etc.), osteoporosis aggravated by a femoral neck fracture or polyosteoarthrosis
- If your biochemical blood assay reveals increased uric acid levels (more than 2 increase instances over your lifetime)

Our diagnostic capabilities:

  • ultrasonic studies of joints -- this is often more advantageous than conventional X-ray imaging (no radiation exposure, plus, tendons, bursas and cartilages may be visualized)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging and computer tomography are complementary methods of joint visualization
  • X-ray joint imaging is a standard joint study performed as an initial diagnostics procedure
  • Densitometry is a procedure to determine the mineral density of bones. This procedure is used for the diagnosis and assessment of subsequent osteoporosis treatment;
  • X-ray morphometry is the study of the height of vertebral bodies of the thoracic and lumbar spine. This is a method used for visualization of spinal bone deformations caused by osteoporosis.

Laboratory diagnostics of rheumatic disorders:

  • Biochemical blood assay involving detection of inflammatory proteins (rheumatoid factor, C-reactive protein and antistreptolysin O)
  • Full blood examination including sedimentation rate analysis,
  • Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, anti-CCP, CCP,
  • Bone turnover and osteoporosis markers (bone matrix formation marker P1NP (Procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide, Total P1NP), Beta-Cross laps (C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen, a product of collagen degradation as the result of bone resorption), blood serum b-CrossLaps, C-terminal telopeptide of serum, СТ, b-CrossLaps serum, b-СTx serum); osteocalcin; deoxypyridinoline (Deoxypyridinolinein, DPD in urine)


Our rheumatology specialist receives patients under health care service contracts and private health insurance programs.

Please note:

Patients are referred to the rheumatology specialist after the following preliminary examinations:

  1. Full blood examination including sedimentation rate analysis;
  2. X-ray imaging of the troubled joint; and
  3. bacteriological blood assay for rheumatoid factor and C-reactive protein.

To make an appointment for a paid appointment and get background information, you can use the services of the Contact Center: 8 (017) 543-44-44 and 8 (029) 543-44-45.
