Оториноларингологический кабинет
Otorhinolaryngology Office

Otorhinolaryngology Offices of the Center are fitted out with advanced ENT workstations (made in Germany), rigid endoscopes, a naso-pharyngo-laryngoscope, a microscope, an endoscopic videocamera, a laryngostroboscope, a tympanometer, an audiometer and an ultrasonic paranasal sinus scanner.

Our medical specialists are continually improving their professional knowledge, and introduce domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology into practice.

When necessary we perform examination and treatment of our patients with the assistance of consultants.


Specialists of the Office perform the following diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations and operations:

  • external ear canal rinsing;
  • Politzer maneuver;
  • blowing of auditory tubes via a katheter accompanied by introductions of medicinal preparation;
  • air massage of tympanic membranes;
  • acumetry;
  • audiometry;
  • rinsing the ear with an attic probe (in cases of chronic otitis);
  • vacuum drainage of the paranasal sinus (Sonderman and Proetz maneuver);
  • drenching of larynx with pharmaceutical mixes;
  • maxillary sinus puncture;
  • draining of paratonsillar abscess;
  • lancing of boils of various localization;
  • rhinomanometry;
  • rigid and flexible endoscopy of ENT;
  • impedancemetry
  • physical therapy of acute and chronic respiratory conditions

To provide comprehensive diagnostics and treatment of ENT disorders, we use the considerable facilities of the Center, and apply advanced theoretical and practical advances.

Our Consultant:

Lyudmila Grigorievna Petrova, Head of ENT Disorder Department of Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Dr. habil. med., Professor.


Otolaryngologist advises patients of a fee basis, based on medical indications as part of “Diagnostics and Treatment in the Daycare Department”, “Screening Survey” and “Inpatient Care” programs. We also provide examination and therapy services to patients serviced by the Center under private health insurance programs, as well as under “Comprehensive Medical Care” and “Outpatient Care” programs.

For reference information, you can use the services of the Contact Center: 8 (017) 543-44-44 and 8 (029) 543-44-45.

Geino Elena Vladimirovna
Abramovich Liliya Mihajlovna
Geino Elena Vladimirovna
  • Specialization: Otorhinolaryngologist
  • Work experience: 37 years
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Abramovich Liliya Mihajlovna
  • Specialization: Otorhinolaryngologist
  • Work experience: 17 years
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