Kidney examination (dynamic)
Kidney examination (dynamic)

Dynamic kidney scintigraphy Angionephroscintigraphy SPECT-CT of kidneys. This is a comprehensive study which comprises indirect angiography, scintigraphy and kidney renography. The technique allows to evaluate renal blood flow, general and segregated glomerular filtration rate and the excretory function of kidneys affected by various disorders or before surgery.

The technique facilitates diagnosis of certain anomalies of kidney and urinary duct development.




Nephroscintigraphy (using ethylene cysteine, EC):

  • detection of congenital anomalies and kidney localization;
  • hypertensive disease;
  • infectious/inflammatory diseases of kidneys and urinary ducts;
  • kidney injuries;
  • urinary stone disease;
  • preoperative assessment of tubular function;
  • systemic diseases that involve an impairment of kidney functions: diabetes mellitus, gout, vasculites, etc.
  • autoimmune kidney disorders (glomerulonephrites);
  • toxic kidney damage;

Angionephroscintigraphy (using diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, DTPA):

  • estimation of the total and individual weight of kidneys;
  • detection of congenital anomalies and kidney localization;
  • hypertensive disease (diagnosis of renal artery stenosis);
  • infectious/inflammatory diseases of kidneys and urinary ducts;
  • kidney injuries;
  • urinary stone disease;
  • preoperative assessment of glomerular function;
  • systemic diseases that involve an impairment of kidney functions: diabetes mellitus, gout, vasculites, etc.
  • autoimmune kidney disorders (glomerulonephrites);
  • toxic kidney damage;



Angionephroscintigraphy is widely used to evaluate the status of vascular blood supply and functional condition of kidney parenchyma. The technique is highly informative, and provides an accurate analysis of a number of characteristics: renal blood flow, total and individual glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and excretory function of kidneys. This makes it possible to assess a pathologic process over time and monitor therapy effectiveness; it also allows to reveal (promptly and minimally invasively) kidney blood supply abnormalities in patients affected by kidney injuries, and to evaluate the functionality of a transplanted kidney. The technique is used in combination with a pharmaceutical (capoten) test to diagnose vasorenal hypertension, to reveal renal artery stenoses, evaluate to functional relevancy of renal artery stenoses in order to clarify indications to a surgical treatment, and give a prognosis and assess the effectiveness of a planned surgery (balloon angioplasty etc.) for the purposes of recovery of the kidney function and lower arterial blood pressure. Special preparation is required: the patient must have a meal and drink 400 to 600 ml of liquid 40 to 60 minutes before the examination. Complementary pharmacological tests (administration of lazix or capoten) allow to assess the nature and reversibility of the changes.

Dynamic angionephroscintigraphy (with DTPA)

This is a radionuclide examination of kidneys which enables physicians to study the status of renal blood flow using a special pharmaceutial, 99 mТс-DTPA.

Angionephroscintigraphy allows to generate an image which reflects the distribution of the pharmaceutical within kidney parenchyma, as well as a graphical representation of the transfer of the preparation in kidneys. Gathered information makes possible to evaluate both general renal blood flow both and individually for each of the kidneys and their parts. This diagnostic technique plays an important role in the identification of renal blood supply abnormalities in each individual kidney which makes it possible to reveal renal artery stenosis and perform differential diagnosis of cystic lesions and tumors.

Dynamic angionephroscintigraphy (with EC)

For this technique of visualization of kidneys and urinary ducts, the radiopharmaceutical agent 99mTc-EC and a gamma-ray chamber are used to determine parameters of glomerular filtration and the effective renal plasma flow, to assess parameters of the secretory and excretory capacity of kidneys, to evaluate the degree of urodynamics impairment and to reveal renal insufficiency at an early stage.

Pharmacological furosemide (lazix) kidney test

The study involves an intravenous injection of the radiopharmaceutical agent and an tomographic observation. The furosemide test enhances therapeutic and diagnostic capabilities since it may be performed against the background of lung disorders and cardiac insufficiency.




Nephroscintigraphy with EC:

  • Absolute contraindications: pregnancy; hypersensitivity to the active substance or excipients; febrile conditions; age under 18.
  • Relative contraindications: breast feeding.

Angionephroscintigraphy with DTPA:

  • Absolute contraindications: pregnancy; hypersensitivity to the active substance or excipients; febrile conditions;
  • Relative contraindications: breast feeding.




  • Nephroscintigraphy with EC: refrain from diuretics; the test is performed only on an empty stomach (a standard intake of food and water, intake of two glasses of water one hour before the test), suspension of hypotensive drugs administration two days before the examination (or reporting to the diagnostician the fact of administration of these or other vascular medicinal products).
  • Angionephroscintigraphy with DTPA: refrain from diuretics, the test is performed only on an empty stomach (a standard intake of food and water, intake of two glasses of water one hour before the test, suspension of hypotensive drugs administration two days before the examination (or reporting to the diagnostician the fact of administration of these or other vascular medicinal products).



To be eligible for the examination, you will need a referral from your physician.

  1. Call the Contact Center or the Isotope Laboratory at the numbers (8 (017) 543-42-23 and 8 (017) 543-42-19, from 8:00 till 14:00 during the weekdays to make a reservation.
  2. Be at the Center at the appointed time.
  3. Fill in and sign a paid service contract at the Reception.
  4. Pay the bill at the RCMC pay office, or through the ERIP electronic payment system.
  5. Collect the examination report and the Isotope Laboratory report.
Branch services
The information presented in this Price List is for guidance only. Some services are provided only in conjunction with other services. Therefore, the final price may differ from those presented on this site when contacting a medical center to conclude a contract for the provision of medical services.

Радионуклидное исследование почек (динамическое)
цена для граждан:
остальных стран
Динамическая ангионефросцинтиграфия
107 р. 80 к.
164 р. 82 к.
164 р. 82 к.
Динамическая ангионефросцинтиграфия почек
132 р. 91 к.
158 р. 34 к.
158 р. 34 к.
Сцинтиграфия динамическая почек
99 р. 84 к.
143 р. 12 к.
143 р. 12 к.