Uterine fibroid treatment
Uterine fibroid treatment

The tactics of management of patients affected by uterine fibroids involves observation, monitoring, drug therapy, as well as various methods of surgical intervention and alternative therapy techniques, such as uterine artery embolization (UAE).


  • present concurrent uterus disorders and other malignant changes of genital organs;
  • excessive and prolonged menstruation and acyclic bleeding;
  • tumors that exceed the dimensions of a 12-week gravid uterus;
  • occurrence of adjacent organ compression symptoms (frequent urination, defecatory disorder, etc.);
  • increased growth rate of the tumor;
  • occurrence of subserous and submucous nodes on the neck;
  • myoma nodule necrosis;
  • sudden acute pains of defined localization;
  • infertility.


Selection of the therapy method depends on multiple factors: the age of the patient, the patient’s desire to retain the reproductive function, clinical and pathologic particularities of the pathologic process, the occurrence of concomitant somatic and gynecologic disorders, as well as personal preference of the patient of a specific therapy method. Surgery is the conventional method of uterine fibroid treatment.

There are three types of surgical operations to treat uterine fibroids:

  • myomectomy -- an organ-preservation surgery which involves straightforward removal of fibroid nodes;
  • hysterectomy -- a radical surgical operation involving the removal of the uterus together with uterine neck; and
  • supracervical uterus amputation which involves the removal of the uterus only, without the excision of uterine neck.

Our Center performs, on a day-to-day basis, surgical procedures of all types with all kinds of surgical exposure -- laparoscopy, laparotomy, hysteroscopy and vaginal. For each patient, an individual treatment tactics is developed depending on her age, parity, reproductive intentions, the degree and severity of symptoms, the dimensions, quantity and locations of fibroid nodes, proximity of menopause and the patient's desire to preserve the uterus.

IMPORTANT: if any submucosal nodes were revealed in the uterus, hystero-resectoscopic removal of submucous uterine fibroids and, if necessary, combined laparo-hysteroscopy myomectomy operations are performed. 

IMPORTANT: all the excised fibroid nodes and the organ itself (in the case of a radical operation) are submitted for a histological examination with an aim of a more accurate verification of the diagnosis; and in questionable cases, an urgent study is performed in the course of the operation to enable the development of subsequent treatment tactics.

Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is an alternative technique of uterine fibroid treatment.

The technique is only applied in the presence of symptomatic fibroids (about 20% of total number of cases).


  • Severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, lungs, respiratory passages and kidneys;
  • Acute and subacute infectious diseases of pelvic organs.


  1. Call the Contact Center to make an appointment for a consultation with the head of the gynecological department Kazakevich A.I.
  2. Come to the consultation on time.
  3. On the day of the procedure conclude a contract for the provision of paid services at the registry.
  4. Pay the invoice at the cash desk of the RCMC or via ЕРИП (SSIS: Single Settlement and Information Space)
Branch services
The information presented in this Price List is for guidance only. Some services are provided only in conjunction with other services. Therefore, the final price may differ from those presented on this site when contacting a medical center to conclude a contract for the provision of medical services.

Лечение миомы матки
цена для граждан:
остальных стран
Экстирпация матки без придатков (с придатками)
307 р. 18 к.
533 р. 25 к.
533 р. 25 к.
Анестезиологическое пособие ОЭА
439 р. 99 к.
674 р. 79 к.
674 р. 79 к.
Анестезиологическое пособие под спинальной анестезией
358 р. 21 к.
605 р. 05 к.
605 р. 05 к.
Комбинированная анестезия: эндотрахеальная + ESP-блок
475 р. 38 к.
711 р. 44 к.
711 р. 44 к.
Комбинированная анестезия: эндотрахеальная + спинальная
466 р. 13 к.
702 р. 19 к.
702 р. 19 к.
Комбинированная анестезия: эндотрахеальная + эпидуральная
648 р. 74 к.
884 р. 80 к.
884 р. 80 к.
Лапаротомия. Консервативная миомэктомия
264 р. 27 к.
460 р. 70 к.
460 р. 70 к.
Комбинированная анестезия: эндотрахеальная + ESP блок
473 р. 35 к.
683 р. 11 к.
683 р. 11 к.
Комбинированная анестезия: эндотрахеальная + спинальная
441 р. 77 к.
651 р. 53 к.
651 р. 53 к.
Комбинированная анестезия: эндотрахеальная + эпидуральная
624 р. 78 к.
834 р. 54 к.
834 р. 54 к.
Анестезиологическое пособие ОЭА
416 р. 59 к.
627 р. 26 к.
627 р. 26 к.
Анестезиологическое пособие под спинальной анестезией
331 р. 83 к.
551 р. 41 к.
551 р. 41 к.
Надвлагалищная ампутация матки без придатков (с придатками)
264 р. 27 к.
460 р. 70 к.
460 р. 70 к.
Анестезиологическое пособие ОЭА
404 р. 05 к.
614 р. 72 к.
614 р. 72 к.
Анестезиологическое пособие под спинальной анестезией
334 р. 95 к.
554 р. 53 к.
554 р. 53 к.
Лапароскопическая гистерэктомия
473 р. 64 к.
799 р. 21 к.
799 р. 21 к.
Анестезиологическое пособие (сбалансированная общая эндотрахеальная анестезия + продленная эпидуральная блокада)
603 р. 91 к.
806 р. 27 к.
806 р. 27 к.
Анестезиологическое пособие (общая эндотрахеальная анестезия)
504 р. 96 к.
599 р. 02 к.
599 р. 02 к.