Conservative and surgical treatment of benign and malignant gynecological and mammological pathologies. Disorder diagnosis is carried out with the use of the Center's advanced equipment; where necessary, we engage relevant specialists of the Center and external consultants.
Main focus areas:
Uterine fibroids
The tactics of management of patients affected by uterine fibroids involves observation, monitoring, drug therapy, as well as various methods of surgical intervention and alternative therapy techniques.
The Operative Gynecology Department performs laparoscopic operations to treat any form and any degree of expansion of endometriosis including advanced and deeply infiltrated endometriosis with the involvement of adjacent pelvic structures.
Uterine body and neck polyps, endometrium hyperplasia
The Operative Gynecology Department offers a number of procedures to treat this pathology.
The Gynecology Department performs laparoscopic operations to treat infertility.
Descent and prolapse of genital organs
The Department employs various techniques of surgical treatment of pelvic floor weakness, prolapse of pelvic organs and their functional disorders with the use of the patient's own tissues.
Benign ovary tumors
Many years of practical experience of the Operative Gynecology Department’s specialists enables them to offer treatment of such tumors with the use of laparoscopical techniques.
Surgical treatment of intrauterine pathologies
We perform all types of intrauterine surgical interventions through the application of mechanical, electrical and laser energy.
Surgical correction of uterine and vaginal development anomalies
We perform various types of surgical procedures.
Gynecological oncology
We use a comprehensive spectrum of radical surgical interventions.
Mammology-related services provided at the Clinical Health Care Center are arranged as a complete cycle. Our highest Qualification Grade specialists offer all types of breast studies:
Breast oncology
Surgical services include diagnostic and treatment procedures on the mammal gland, sanation of benign processes, as well as all types of surgical interventions for patients affected by breast cancer.
Laparoscopical sterilization
Please note that there are certain limitations to this procedure.
Uterine neck pathologies
We perform surgical treatment of uterine neck pathologies.
Vaginaal pathologies
We offer surgical treatment of these pathologies.
Pyoinflammatory diseases
We use laparoscopical techniques for treatment of such diseases.
Before performing any of the above procedures, a consultation with the Head of the Gynecology Department Andrey Igorevich Kazakevich is required. 8(017)543-43-46
Please present test results before any surgical procedures.