Rehabilitation after a surgical treatment
Rehabilitation after a surgical treatment

Peroperative rehabilitation is essential for accelerated recovery of patients, and for bringing them back to active and healthy life.



  • improvement of the respiratory function;
  • high anxiety states;
  • speedy mobilization of the patient;
  • prevention of complications;
  • postoperative pains.




Patient involvement starts as early as at the preoperative stage, in order to prepare them for the surgical intervention. Depending on the type of the forthcoming surgical procedure, preoperative preparation may involve various suites of physical therapy procedures (inhalation therapy, phototherapy, salt therapy (speleotherapy), magnetotherapy, electrostatic vibromassage, etc.), and may include instructing the patient on breathing exercises and general gymnastics to be performed during he preoperative period. Respiratory exercises serve to improve the overall activity of the respiratory system: breathing muscles are fortified and thoracic mobility improved. Breathing becomes less frequent and more pronounced, the pulmonary capacity and maximal pulmonary ventilation is improved, breathing reserve level is increased. This is important both during the application of anesthesia and at early postoperative stages when the patient is not yet mobile.

Psychological counseling is provided to patients in order to lessen their anxiety, and focus them on a positive outcome of the operation and on successful recovery.

During the postoperative stage, the main aim of rehabilitation is earliest possible mobilization of the patient, prevention of potential complications, and elimination of pains and mobility limitations. Physical rehabilitation is conducted under the guidance of experienced specialists and with the application of physical therapy methods.




General grave condition of the patient.




Rehabilitation after a surgical treatment is conducted among the patients that receive inpatient medical services at the RCMC.

Branch services
The information presented in this Price List is for guidance only. Some services are provided only in conjunction with other services. Therefore, the final price may differ from those presented on this site when contacting a medical center to conclude a contract for the provision of medical services.

Восстановительные процедуры после хирургического вмешательства
цена для граждан:
остальных стран
Ингаляции лекарственные (цена от)
6 р. 82 к.
15 р. 93 к.
15 р. 93 к.
Фотохромотерапия, окулярные методики (биоптрон)
8 р. 07 к.
21 р. 40 к.
21 р. 40 к.
Галотерапия, камерная спелеотерапия (на 1 человека, за 1 сеанс)
11 р. 19 к.
29 р. 62 к.
29 р. 62 к.
Магнитотерапия местная
6 р. 70 к.
14 р. 80 к.
14 р. 80 к.
ЛФК для пациентов после хирургических операций при индивидуальном методе занятий
10 р. 58 к.
26 р. 21 к.
26 р. 21 к.
ЛФК для ортопедических пациентов после ВТО в раннем послеоперационном периоде
19 р. 51 к.
32 р. 92 к.
32 р. 92 к.
ЛФК для ортопедических пациентов после ВТО в раннем восстановительном периоде
29 р. 19 к.
49 р. 30 к.
49 р. 30 к.